18:51 26.09.2024

Kyivteploenergo implementing SCADA system for monitoring control over energy facilities

2 min read
Kyivteploenergo implementing SCADA system for monitoring control over energy facilities

Kyivteploenergo (KTE) municipal enterprise has begun implementing a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system for automated monitoring and dispatching control of Kyiv centralized heat supply energy facilities.

"This system will integrate digital technologies into the management processes of the capital's energy complex," the company reported on Telegram on Thursday.

The developer of the system's design documentation with the support of the USAID Energy Security Project is Energodynamika LLC, which specializes in the field of energy digitalization.

"The implementation of a single SCADA system will improve energy efficiency, reliability and quality of heat supply through centralized management and automation of processes," Kyivteploenergo noted.

SCADA will also minimize the number of emergencies and losses of energy resources and increase the level of cybersecurity.

The company explained that the multi-level system will cover about 1,600 energy facilities. This is equipment of thermal power plants, heating stations, large district and small district boiler houses, pumping stations, heating pavilions and heating points.

Kyivteploenergo dispatchers will be able to monitor the technical parameters of the equipment in real time. The software package will collect, process, analyze and control the operation of the entire heating complex of the city.

Currently, KTE has several local systems that cover dispatching at several facilities, the rest are serviced manually by operational personnel.

"Unfortunately, we are surviving in the face of constant attacks on the energy sector, but we need to develop in accordance with the demands of the times. Thanks to USAID and everyone involved. Thanks to your help and our long-standing relationships, we have the opportunity to move forward," said Viacheslav Bind, Director of Kyivteploenergo.

The SCADA project is being implemented within the framework of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's loan program for the modernization of the Kyiv energy complex. A loan agreement for EUR 140 million was signed between Kyiv and the EBRD in 2018. The project involves the construction of new cogeneration units, an accumulator tank and an economizer, the reconstruction of inefficient boiler houses, and the implementation of the SCADA system.