16:31 11.08.2020

Boris Lozhkin announced holding the Second Kyiv Jewish Forum

2 min read

Єврейська конфедерація України проведе Другий Kyiv Jewish Forum у вересні

According to RBC-Ukraine, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine together with the Jerusalem Post will hold the Second Kyiv Jewish Forum in September. Holding the online Forum on September 8-9 was announced by the JCU President Boris Lozhkin during the Assembly of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, the newspaper writes.

It is already known that the President of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder, the Prime Ministers of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, representatives of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom and the US State Department and other political and religious leaders, representatives of the big world business have been invited to participate in the panel discussions.

According to the publication, one of the panels devoted to the problem of online anti-Semitism is expected to include Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Director of Public Policy for Twitter in Europe Karen White and member of the Facebook Oversight Board Amy Palmore.

Let us recall that the First Kyiv Jewish Forum was held in Kyiv last year. It gathered 500 participants from many countries. “We felt the time was ripe to re-connect the Ukrainian Jewish community with the global Jewry by creating a comprehensive international discussion platform in Kyiv,” Lozhkin said after the First Forum.