Zelensky calls increasing investor confidence one of priority tasks for 2021

President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that protecting the rights of investors in Ukraine is one of the key tasks for the Ukrainian government in 2021.
"For us, the key challenge for 2021 is to ensure the rule of law, increase investor confidence and protect their rights," Zelensky said in his welcome address during the online conference "Ukraine: Investment Harbor in Time of Change" on Friday.
The president stressed that it is also important to continue cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, which, according to Zelensky, is key to ensuring macroeconomic stability in Ukraine.
"We will continue to create a favorable environment in Ukraine so that businesses can invest, expand and create new jobs," the head of state stressed.
The event, organized by the government office for attracting and supporting investments UkraineInvest with the support of the USAID Ukraine Competitive Economy Program (CEP), gathered about a thousand participants - representatives of the business community from more than 60 countries, the president's website reported.
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal in his video message noted that in 2021-2022 it is planned to conclude concession agreements on seaports, roads, airports, railways and other infrastructure facilities. As expected, the planned adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the law on state support of investment projects with significant investments will contribute to the improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine.
The participants of the event also discussed the Strategy for attracting investments to the Ukrainian economy.