19:07 22.03.2024

Attacks on Russian oil refineries should continue – General Ben Hodges

1 min read
Attacks on Russian oil refineries should continue – General Ben Hodges

Attacks on Russian oil refineries have a significant impact on Russia's ability to fight a war, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, commander of U.S. forces in Europe from 2014-17, has said.

Hodges said during the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum, founded by Arseniy Yatsenyuk's Open Ukraine Foundation, that hits on refineries do have a significant impact. According to him, Russia can pay less for this war, and this also deprives it of the necessary fuel to continue hostilities. "I would recommend ignoring calls to stop such attacks," General Hodges said.

He also stressed that it is necessary to strengthen sanctions against Russia. Also, according to the general, 2024 will be the year of industrial competition.

"Ukraine and the West should win this competition. I am talking about of course building up ammunition supplies, but also moving forward maintenance capabilities so that the Ukrainian soldiers can fix forward equipment that is broken or damaged on site, as well as increasing their ammunition stocks," Hodges said.

Ukraine, in his opinion, should put pressure on Russian logistics, in particular on Crimea, in order to make the peninsula unsuitable for Russian troops.

The 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum takes place on March 21-22.