14:14 13.02.2024

Court seizes assets of the Russian oligarch Savvidi as state income – SBI

1 min read

Based on materials from the Ukrainian State Security Bureau (SBI), the High Anti-Corruption Court sustained the claim of the Ministry of Justice and seized the assets of the Russian oligarch Ivan Savvidi as state income, the bureau said.

"The High Anti-Corruption Court upheld the claim of the Ministry of Justice, prepared on the basis of the SBI materials, and recovered 100% of the corporate shares of PrJSC Pentopak and the subsidiary Atlantis-Pak Ukraine, the actual ultimate owner of which is the Russian oligarch Ivan Savvidi, to the state's income," the SBI said in the statement on the Telegram channel on Tuesday.

According to the department, Savvidi is a Russian entrepreneur of Greek origin and has close ties with the Russian authorities.

"Savvidi was involved in anti-Ukrainian activities and, after the start of full-scale aggression on the part of Russia, repeatedly provided charitable assistance to the so-called DPR," the SBI said.

Earlier, during the SBI investigation, these assets, as well as a complex of non-residential premises, funds in bank accounts totalling UAH 23.4 million and $345,000, as well as vehicles were arrested and transferred to the management of ARMA.