14:34 30.06.2022

Constitutional Court recognizes special confiscation procedure as constitutional

1 min read
Constitutional Court recognizes special confiscation procedure as constitutional

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized as constitutional the articles of the Criminal Code regulating the procedure for special confiscation, the court reports.

"On June 30, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine made a decision in the case on the constitutional submission of 47 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine of Articles 96-1, 96-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine [hereinafter referred to as the Code], which established the content and procedure for the application of such a criminal law measure as special confiscation," the Constitutional Court said in a message on the court's Telegram channel on Thursday.

"The Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized the challenged provisions of the Code as consistent with the Constitution of Ukraine," the court informs.

The court notes that the text of the decision and its summary will be made public on the official website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on July 1, 2022. The rapporteur in this case is Oleh Pervomaisky.