21:11 25.03.2021

Zelensky enacts NSDC decision on subsoil use – decree

2 min read

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on the implementation of the National Security and Defense Council decision on the state of affairs in the subsoil use, dated March 19, 2021.

Relevant decree No. 122/2021 was published on the president's website.

"To put into effect the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decision on the state of affairs in the subsoil use, dated March 19, 2021," the president said in the document.

It notes that control over the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, introduced by the decree, must be entrusted to Secretary of the NSDC Oleksiy Danilov.

According to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated March 19, sanctions are imposed on 19 legal entities indefinitely.

We are talking about Novo-Dykanska area (Geo Connect LLC), Popasniansko-Samarska (Adgein Macro LLC), Pivnichno-Pereschepynska (Global Geo Invest LLC), Vilshanska (Trans Set Geo LLC), Pivdenno-Svystunkovska (Eco Gas Alliance LLC), Pivdenno-Zinkivska (Epival Energy LLC), Birkovsko-Yukhnovska (Geo Post LLC), Flerovsko-Yuvileina (Yunolit Oil LLC), Runovschynska (Profi Naft LLC), Boyarsko-Chapaivska (Geo Target LLC), Druzhyninska (Nadra Pride LLC), Hulakivska (Best Geo Tech LLC), Zuivska (Geo Stance LLC), Butovsko-Myrhorodska (Nadra West Group LLC), Liutensko-Budyschanska (Geo Force Oil LLC), Pivnichno-Fedorivska (Best Oil Company LLC), Mayorovska (Nadraprostir LLC), Davydivsko-Leliukhovska (Geo Vertikal LLC) and Kliushnykivska (Info Geo Trend LLC).

In turn, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, together with the State Security Service of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine, was instructed to ensure the implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness of the sanctions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was instructed to inform the competent authorities of the European Union, the United States and other states about the application of the sanctions and to raise before them the issue of introducing similar restrictive measures.

Control over the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, put into effect by the presidential decree, is entrusted to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

The decree comes into force on the day of its publication.