Navalny posts on social networks himself that he can walk now

Opposition politician Alexei Navalny has described his recovery at the Germany-based Charite hospital and said that he is better and can walk now.
"Let me tell you about my recovery. It's a clear path now, albeit long. [...] Now I'm a guy whose legs are shaking when he takes the stairs, but at least he is thinking, 'Oh, that's stairs! People use it to go up. I probably should look for a lift.' And before that, he would just stand and stare at it dumbly," he wrote on his Instagram account.
Navalny also said he "did not recognize people and could not understand how to talk not so long ago."
According to the opposition activist, he had memory issues in the first days after waking up from his coma.
"The doctor visited me every morning and said, 'Alexei, I brought you a whiteboard, let's think what word to write on it.' And it made me desperate, because even though I could generally understand what the doctor wanted from me, I couldn't understand where to get those words from. In what place in my head do they appear? Where to find a word and how to make it mean something? All of that was utterly unclear. However, I didn't know how to express my despair as well and was just silent. And now I'm only describing the last stage I can remember," he said.