17:01 12.06.2020

Truba's claim on illegality of his resignation as SBI director fails in court

1 min read
Truba's claim on illegality of his resignation as SBI director fails in court

The Supreme Court of Ukraine has dismissed a claim of Roman Truba on illegality of his resignation as Director of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI).

"The Supreme Court refused to meet the claims of Roman Truba, who asked to declare the presidential decree of December 27, 2019 on his dismissal from the post of director of the SBI as unlawful and invalid," reads the statement posted on the court's website on Friday.

According to the court, such a decision was made on June 12 by a panel of judges of the Administrative Cassation Court, having examined in court the case of Truba against President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.