Foreign Ministry of Ukraine requires removing Trident image from UK antiterrorist guide

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine has required removing image of Trident (Tryzub) Ukrainian National Coat of Arms from the UK Counter Extremism Police Guide distributed by the British law enforcement agencies.
"We are looking forward to an official comment from the British Foreign Office and the Police. We assume it will be released soon. In case the discussed fact is confirmed, we demand that Ukrainian state symbols are removed from the handbook," reads a comment of Ukraine's Foreign Ministry posted on its website on Monday.
The National Coat of Arms of Ukraine originates in the Kyivan Rus times and is one of the symbols of unity of Ukrainians. It is widely used by the Ukrainian public authorities and common Ukrainians alike.
"Any attempt to link the Coat of Arms of Ukraine to extremism offends millions of Ukrainians at home and abroad," the ministry said.
Previously, the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK required the British police to exclude the trident depicted on the small coat of arms from the list of extremist symbols and to apologize.