UOC-MP Synod creates commission on prisoner exchange issues

The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) has created a commission on issues involving the exchange and release of prisoners.
The UOC-MP Synod chaired by Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine Onufriy was held on July 28 after a religious service on the 1031th anniversary of the Baptism (Christianization) of Kyivan Rus, UOC-MP's information service on Monday said.
UOC-MP recalled that on Jun 15, 2019, Metropolitan Onufriy requested from Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill assistance in pardoning and releasing all Ukrainian prisoners located in Russia. The UOC-MP head that same day sent a letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky requesting the resumption of the prisoner exchange process, as well as pardons and releases of prisoners located in Ukraine.
The Synod supported Onufriy's initiative on resuming the process of prisoner exchanges, prisoner releases and restoring peace in Donbas.
"Members of the Synod noted the importance of prisoner exchanges in the 'all-for-all' format," the Synod's decision said.
Archbishop of Nizhyn and Pryluky Klyment (Clement), Vicar of the Kyiv Metropolia and Bishop of Baryshivka Viktor, as well as Chairman of the UOC-MP Synodal Department of and Archpriest Vladyslav Dikhanov were included in the commission on prisoner exchanges and releases.