Ukraine early July almost fully loads Slovakia's pipeline for gas imports

Ukraine in the first days of July almost fully loaded Slovakia's pipeline for gas imports, according to tentative data from Eustream transmission system operator.
Gas supply towards Ukraine on July 1, 2019 reached 41.373 million cubic meters (mcm), which is 97.3% of the load of the current daily capacity of this gas transmission corridor (42.5 mcm). The application for July 2 is 41.34 mcm.
According to JSC Ukrtransgaz, average daily imports of gas from Slovakia to Ukraine in June was 37.1 mcm, in May – 32.5 mcm, in April – 9.5 mcm, in March – 10.7 mcm, in February – 17.7 mcm and in January – 4 mcm.
As reported, Ukraine in January-June 2019 increased imports of natural gas by 27.9% (by 1.231 billion cubic meters) compared to the same period in 2018, to 5.639 billion cubic meters, according to recent data from JSC Ukrtransgaz. Imports from Slovakia for the six months amounted to 3.357 billion cubic meters (12.8% more compared to January-June 2018), from Hungary to 1.574 billion cubic meters (46% more), and Poland some 707.4 million cubic meters (two times more).
In June 2019, gas imports amounted to 1.663 billion cubic meters, which is 55.9% more than in the same month of 2018 (1.067 billion cubic meters).