'Wall' project 30% complete – State border service

Facilities on the Russia-Ukraine border (the so-called "Wall" project) are 30% complete, Ukraine's State Border Service Spokesman Oleh Slobodian has said.
"The project is carried out in accordance with available financing. Currently, the state of the project is about 30% complete," he told Channel 5 TV.
Slobodian said project implementation in Kharkiv is almost completed.
"The level of border control is almost 100% here. There are practically no violations of the state border," he said.
"The project is ongoing. The first phase we had to complete in 2018, but funding was insufficient, so the project was delayed until 2020. Last year we again initiated an extension for another year," he said.
The Wall project includes fortifications on the Russia-Ukraine state border, as well as in areas adjacent the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.