15:11 14.10.2016

Venice Commission conclusions on demonstration law expected by Sunday –Buquicchio

1 min read
Venice Commission conclusions on demonstration law expected by Sunday –Buquicchio

The Venice Commission (VC) by next week should approve draft conclusions on the bill on peaceful demonstrations, VC President Gianni Buquicchio has said.

"We received a request from Kyiv and have already prepared draft conclusions, which will be discussed and approved by the end of the week in Venice," Buquicchio said in an interview published by the Internet news service Yevropeiska Pravda (European Truth).

Buquicchio praised the draft law.

"I can't give you all the details of the document, but if we speak in general terms, I can say it is a good bill," the VC president said.

In late September, Ukraine's Justice Ministry met with representatives of the Venice Commission and the EU Human Rights Court and the National Police of Ukraine to discuss draft laws "On Guaranteeing Freedom to Peaceful Assembly" and "On Guaranteeing Freedom to Peaceful Assembly in Ukraine" in order to determine their compliance with European principles and standards.

VC representatives said then they would review the bills and prepare conclusions for legislation best representing European experience in this area.