Constitutional amendments on justice to be published on June 29 - Poroshenko

The amendments to the Ukrainian Constitution pertaining to justice will be published on June 29, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said.
"The law introducing the amendments to the Constitution pertaining to justice will be published tomorrow," he said at a formal meeting in the Verkhovna Rada in honor of the Ukrainian Constitution Day.
He said that he has already signed the law.
"The amendments, for which the Verkhovna Rada voted in early June, are not extensive, but have fundamental significance. Because today it is very difficult for us, Ukrainians, to achieve truth in courts," he said.
He added that this reform is a precondition for all further reforms.
"The main part of the justice reform is, firstly, thorough and comprehensive renewal of the corps of judges; secondly, strict control, including public, for judges' integrity, incomes and expenses; thirdly, abolition of judges' immunity; fourthly, elimination of political influence and establishment of the independence of the judicial branch," he said.
The country is on the threshold of fundamental amendments to the justice system, but it will take several years to introduce this reform, he said.
"The new Supreme Court of Ukraine will already be created on contest grounds by the end of this year," he said.