18:37 11.05.2016

DW: EP to look into free-visa regime between Ukraine and EU in late May

1 min read
DW: EP to look into free-visa regime between Ukraine and EU in late May

European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs is expected to decide on a rapporteur for the visa liberalization regime between Ukraine and European Union in next few weeks, said Deutsche Welle referring a source in the Committee's secretariat.

According to DW's source, the Committee on civil liberties, justice and internal affairs will deal with the legislative position of the European Commission on Ukraine-EU visa liberalization.

Meanwhile, the committee failed to name a precise date of the first discussion about Ukraine, saying it has a huge workload. The committee said, however, the next hearings of the committee on civil liberties are scheduled to take place on May 23, 24 and May 30.