17:26 13.07.2015

Norm of OSAGO bill on calculating guarantee fees to MTIBU funds at NBU rate will lead to collapse in market – regulator

2 min read

The establishment of unreasonable requirements regarding the calculation of basic insurers' contributions to the central insurance reserve funds of the MTIBU at the official rate of the National Bank of Ukraine in the conditions of the national currency instability could lead to significant negative consequences, including the deterioration of the financial condition of insurers, the non-fulfillment of their commitments, and the collapse of the OSAGO market.

This is stated in the conclusions to the draft law, the National Commission on the Regulation of Financial Services Markets sent for improvement, on amendments to the law of Ukraine on the obligatory insurance of motor vehicles owners' civil liability (No. 2122a), initiated by seven MPs, five of whom are the representatives of the Radical Party headed by Oleh Liashko.

The regulator also notes that an explanatory note to the draft law does not contain the financial and economic rationale for the introduction of such a norm and the projected socio-economic results of its introduction.

According to the regulator, the addition to Article 5 of the law of Ukraine on OSAGO, proposed by the bill, providing for the health insurance of vehicle owners guilty in a traffic accident, cannot be the subject of a contract on the obligatory insurance of motor vehicles owners' civil liability, as it directly contradicts its essence and name.