09:29 30.01.2014

Ukraine opposition critical of amnesty law adopted by Verkhovna Rada

2 min read

The adoption of an amnesty law, authored by Party of Regions parliamentarian Yuriy Miroshnychenko, will only serve to further escalate tensions in Ukrainian society, the UDAR faction leader, former world heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, said.

"Instead of bringing the temperature down in society, it will only serve to increase it even further," Klitschko told reporters after the Ukrainian parliament passed a law providing amnesty for protesters detained during recent unrest.

The opposition's "stance remains unchanged", and it will continue to fight for the release of all of the detained activists, he said.

When asked by a journalist to disclose what he is going to do next, Klitschko said that "we will certainly [go] to Maidan, to the people in order to speak to them and explain everything to them."

The leader of the far-right opposition party Svoboda (Freedom), Oleh Tiahnybok, for his part, said that the law was passed with serious violations of the Verkhovna Rada's regulations because it was not discussed by the committee in charge of these issues and should not have been put at the top of the special session's agenda.

"This vote was absolutely illegitimate. Such laws cannot be recognized either. The authorities have already grown accustomed to adopting laws with breaches of the regulation and the constitution, putting their political advisability first," Tiahnybok said.