FEMEN activists spray head of Belgian Catholic Church with water

Several activists of the women's movement FEMEN have carried out a "water attack" on Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, the head of the Belgian Catholic Church.
Activists from the Brussels division of FEMEN attacked the archbishop during "a session of public propaganda of hatred and religious fanaticism" at ULB, one of the main educational establishments in Belgium, on April 23, the day of legalization of same-sex marriages in France, FEMEN said in a report.
The FEMEN activists sprayed the archbishop with water.
"FEMEN consistently opposes religious propaganda of violence, homophobia, and attempts made by the church to resume its destructive […] influence on women and society in general," FEMEN said in its press release.
On April 23, the French National Assembly passed in the second reading a bill allowing homosexuals to marry and adopt children.