Two dozen coalminers of Lviv Coal Company picketing presidential administration on Tuesday
Some two dozen representatives of the independent trade union of the Public JSC Lviv Coal Company (Sokalsky district in Lviv region) are picketing the Ukrainian president's administration in Kyiv.
The coalminers are protesting against the closure of mines and demanding controls over the payment of wages.
The number of policemen guarding the administration is larger than that of the protesters.
As reported, on January 14, miners from Public JSC Lviv Coal Company said they would picket the presidential administration of Ukraine on January 15, the company's trade union has said.
The miners demand that wage arrears be paid and that wages be increased according to the current legislation. They also demand shipments of their coal concentrate, bought by Lviv Coal Company from state-run Volynvuhillia, be allowed, that the closure of Lviv-Volyn coal basin be banned, and that Zakhidenergo receive permission to extract coal from the Lviv-Volyn coal basin.
The trade union said that the enterprise's employees have not received wages since October 2012 and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and closure.
In June 2012, the employees of Lviv Coal Company picketed Lviv Regional State Administration. According to the miners, the picket brought no results.
"We will picket the presidential administration of Ukraine from 1100 on January 15 until we get a guarantee that our demands will be satisfied," the trade union said.
The only consumer of coal in western regions of Ukraine is the Lviv-based DTEK Zakhidenergo electricity generating company, which prefers buying coal from coalmines in the east of the country.
The State Property Fund several times tried to sell a 37.58% stake in Lviv Coal Company.
Iforas and Cargo-Transport Department hold stakes of 23% and 22.7% respectively in the company.