11:31 21.12.2012

Chornobyl Zone trade unions to protest against wage arrears

1 min read

Trade unions of the companies that work in the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Zone of Alienation are planning to stage a protest against wage arrears on December 28.

"The debt has been accumulating for one and a half month. In response to numerous addresses of the Emergencies Ministry of Ukraine the prime minister issued instruction No. 46708/1/1-12 dated November 24, 2012 to ensure that the adopted budget programs receive funding. Almost a month has passed and the instruction has not been fulfilled," reads a statement of Chornobyl NPP primary trade union published on Friday.

The trade union also said it fears that the debt would not be covered by the end of the year.

"The lack of clear prospects for repayment of wage arrears and increased social tension among the employees resulted into the decision to stage protests," the organization said.

The trade union did not mention when and how its will organize the protest.