Lytvyn signs bill on individual voting of deputies

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, of the sixth convocation Volodymyr Lytvyn has signed into law the bill on individual voting of people's deputies.
"Today we will send [to the Ukrainian president for signature] the law amending the regulations of the Verkhovna Rada regarding individual voting of deputies," Lytvyn said on Monday at a meeting of the preparatory group for the organization of the first sitting of the Verkhovna Rada of the seventh convocation.
As reported, on December 6 the Verkhovna Rada amended its regulations and ordered people's deputies to register for the participation in parliamentary sessions and vote during them individually.
According to the document, before the start of every session of the parliament, MPs will register personally with their people's deputy cards and personal signatures. The deputies will also register via the Rada electronic system at the session hall, and thus other people will be unable to register instead of deputies.
The law also orders MPs to vote personally via the Rada electronic system in the session hall, thus no one will be able to vote instead of them.
According to the document, MPs must not hinder the consideration of issues on the agenda, block the rostrum, intrude in the work of the parliamentary chairman, or prevent other deputies from voting.
During the vote, MPs have to vote for or against the issue, or abstain from the vote. Parliamentarians must not ignore the votes.
The Verkhovna Rada of the seventh convocation will start to work on December 12.