14:11 07.12.2012

Venice Commission hopes Ukrainian opposition to join work of Constitutional Assembly

1 min read

The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) hopes that the Ukrainian opposition will join in the work of the Constitutional Assembly and the process of reforming the country's main law in general.

"We're concerned about the fact that the opposition is boycotting work of the Constitutional Assembly. It is important to discuss amendments to the constitution with a wide public and political majority. We hope ways will be found to involve the opposition in constitutional reform," Vice President of the Venice Commission Kaarlo Tuori told journalists in Kyiv on Thursday, December 6.

According to him, representatives of the Venice Commission will meet with Ukrainian oppositional politicians on Friday evening to hear their position regarding amendment of the constitution.

Tuori praised the work of the Constitutional Assembly and expressed hope that the process of the development of amendments to the constitution will be positive.