Lytvyn: New parliament to hold its first meeting no earlier than December 10

The newly elected Verkhovna Rada could hold its first meeting on December 10 or at the latest on December 17-19, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn has said.
"The earliest date is December 10, and if we take into account the full period [of 30 days from the official announcement of the election results], then it will be December 17-19," he said at a press conference in Kyiv on Monday.
He said that the Central Election Commission would consider the voting results by November 12. Under the law, five days are then given to challenge the election results in the Higher Administrative Court, and two more days are given for the court to issue rulings.
"The Central Election Commission should officially announce the election results in official newspapers no later than [November 18]," Lytvyn said.
He said that the newly elected deputies who combine other jobs would have another 20 days to decide whether they will work in parliament or remain at the posts they now hold.