Highest number of observers for parliamentary elections registered from OSCE/ODIHR

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights will send the biggest delegation of official observers of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine – 635 members.
The Central Election Commission (CEC) has finished the registration of international observers on Monday.
Thus, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will be represented by 103 observers at the parliamentary elections on October 28, 475 observers will come from the CANADEM non-governmental organization, 26 from the European Parliament, 46 from PACE, 68 from the International Expert Center for Electoral Systems (ICES), 189 from the Ukrainian World Congress, and 145 from the Committee for Open Democracy.
The CIS Executive Committee will send 209, 241 observers will come from ENEMO, 36 from the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, 242 from the International Union of Komsomol Organizations – All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and 234 from CIS-EMO.
Poland will be represented by 212 observers, Russia by 61, the United States by 42, Hungary by 41, Denmark by 27, and Germany by 19.
The CEC registered a total of 3,797 observers from 35 international organizations and 28 foreign states.
The parliamentary elections in Ukraine will be held on October 28.