15:56 09.10.2012

After introduction of electronic passports previously issued documents are still valid, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry says

1 min read

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine has explained that introduction of the electronic passports by the parliament does not mean that earlier issued documents will lose their force.

"According to the corresponding international practice, it doesn't mean the automatic loss of validity of passports that were issued before this law came into force. Earlier-issued passports will be valid in future for the period for which they were issued," Foreign Ministry's Spokesman Oleksandr Dykusarov has reported at the briefing.

He also added that the adoption by parliament on October 2 of a law on the introduction of electronic passports is a step forward in implementing the action plan on visa regime relaxation with EU. Moreover, according to him, it will significantly simplify the identification of a person and will protect the documents from the forgery.