11:57 08.11.2012

Pylypyshyn ahead of Levchenko with 94.05% of votes counted in constituency 223, says CEC

1 min read

With 94.05% of the ballots counted in constituency No. 223 (Shevchenkivsky district, Kyiv), self-nominee Viktor Pylypyshyn, who is the former head of Shevchenkivsky district council and district administration in Kyiv, is leading by 265 votes the candidate of the Svoboda All-Ukrainian Union, Yuriy Levchenko.

According to the Central Election Commission, Pylypyshyn took 27.49% of the vote (25,808 votes), while Levchenko took 27.21% (25,543).

The CEC obliged district election commission No. 223 to count all the ballots and sign the relevant protocol by 1500 on November 9.

At the same time, the Central Election Commission adopted a resolution on November 5 recognizing the impossibility of announcing parliament election results in five single-seat constituencies – Nos. 94, 132, 194, 197 and 223.