18:54 09.11.2012

CEC gets vote count protocols from scandal-hit constituency No. 223 in Kyiv

1 min read

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has received vote count protocols from the last, most scandal-hit district election commission – No. 223 (Kyiv, Shevchenkivsky district).

"The receipt of the documents does not mean the consecration of the figures that we see on the screen," CEC Chairman Volodymyr Shapoval said.

CEC Deputy Chairman Andriy Mahera said that the replacement of the head of the commission No. 223 had been "useful," because the commission had fulfilled the task of the Central Election Commission and counted the votes in the terms established by the CEC.

He also noted that the constituency had fulfilled the court's decision and recounted the election results at12 polling stations and it was found during a vote recount that many ballots marked for Svoboda Party candidate Yuriy Levchenko also had marks for other candidates.

Mahera said that this again confirmed the validity of the CEC's decision that it is impossible to establish the election results at this constituency.

He also said that the documents on voting in the single-member constituency of this district commission would be forwarded to law enforcement agencies.