20:29 09.04.2024

Industrial consumers should maximize own power generation, even sell it to Ukrenergo

3 min read
Industrial consumers should maximize own power generation, even sell it to Ukrenergo

It would be advisable for industrial electricity consumers to consider the possibility of providing themselves with their own power generation capabilities in order to strengthen their energy sustainability in the face of Russian attacks on the energy system of Ukraine, Board Chairman of National Power Company Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudrytsky has said.

"We would invite such consumers to consider the possibility of also maximizing their own power generation, where possible, in order to increase their energy sustainability and the region's resilience to such attacks," he said in a brief interview with the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency.

Kudrytsky said that today the problem of restrictions on industrial electricity consumers, which is applied in Dnipropetrovsk region, is not due to the lack of electricity in the system as a whole, but namely in the limitation of power supply to the power center after Russia's attacks since March 22, 2024.

"Therefore, imports in this particular situation will not save industrial consumers, but they will be saved by some kind of internal generation that exists in this area. Of course, funds need to be invested in it, it needs to be reconstructed. It often belongs to these very industrial consumers," Kudrytsky said.

At the same time, he highlighted the fact that Ukrenergo sees industrial consumers' interest in their own power generation, and as an operator of the energy system it will encourage and facilitate this process in every possible way.

"The only thing is that we will talk about technologies that cover their entire consumption schedule, and not some separate parts of the day. That is, if it is a solar power plant, it should have a battery, and if it is some kind of gas-fired power plant, for example, a gas turbine or gas piston station, excellent," the head of Ukrenergo said.

In addition, the company will try to create conditions so that industry can connect these power plants to the grid and, for example, sell an auxiliary service to the energy system operator – primary or secondary reserve.

"This will then be a win-win situation for both us as an operator and the industry, because they will not only supply their enterprise with electricity during shelling, but will also make money from it," he said.

Kudrytsky expressed the conviction that it is precisely this model, as opposed to any state support or subsidies, that will be viable and will actually ensure an increase in generating capacity in the system.