State budget deficit remains at UAH 5 bln in Aug thanks to grant aid – Finance Ministry

Ukraine's state budget over eight months of 2022 posted a deficit of UAH 416.9 billion, including the general fund – UAH 418.1 billion with a planned deficit in the amount of UAH 864.2 billion for this period, such preliminary results were reported by the Ministry of Finance on Friday.
The ministry clarified that in August the state budget deficit remained at a low level – UAH 5.4 billion.
In particular, the deficit of the general fund over the past month amounted to UAH 6.4 billion, which is close to the figure of July – UAH 4.8 billion. This is lower than in previous months: UAH 134.9 billion in June, UAH 113.4 billion in May, UAH 89.7 billion in April and UAH 80.6 billion in March. In February and January, surpluses were recorded – UAH 1.1 billion and UAH 12 billion, respectively.
Such a small deficit is associated with a sharp increase in foreign grants, which, unlike loans, are classified as revenues of the state budget, and not financing its deficit.
If in June grants from the EU, the USA, other states and international organizations amounted to UAH 38.12 billion compared to UAH 15.9 billion in May, then in July they increased to UAH 80.4 billion, and in August to UAH 109.7 billion, the Ministry of Finance indicated.
According to it, taking into account this, the revenues of the general fund of the state budget in August increased to UAH 204.6 billion from UAH 169.6 billion in July, while cash expenses to UAH 212.1 billion from UAH 174.5 billion.