17:44 30.08.2022

Some 30% Ukrainians lose jobs – poll by Work.ua

3 min read
Some 30% Ukrainians lose jobs – poll by Work.ua

As a result of the war, 30% of Ukrainians lost their jobs, were laid off or fired (19%), or the company itself was closed (11%), according to a survey conducted by the Work.ua job search website in July, presented on Tuesday.

According to the survey, 33% of respondents said that the company initially suspended its activities, but then workers returned to work, while 27% of respondents indicated that the war did not affect their employment in any way.

As Work.ua noted, 36% of Ukrainians' salaries noticeably reduced after the beginning of the war, a quarter of respondents said their salaries did not change, 16% said their salaries decreased slightly, and only 3% said their salaries increased.

"Almost a tenth of the companies have tied salaries to the foreign exchange rate, the rest continue to pay salaries in hryvnia, regardless of exchange rate fluctuations. Most employees (65%) do not receive bonuses. For the rest of the employees, the most popular type of bonus is 20% of salaries (16% of respondents)," the company said.

Almost 18% of survey participants changed their city or country of residence because of the war, but 93% work for Ukrainian business.

It is noted that many companies are reorienting to the western market, so it is worth learning English.

With regard to registration, 71% of respondents indicated that they have official employment, while 22% work without registration, and 5% are registered as individual entrepreneurs.

Around two-thirds of respondents said that they have 24 or more calendar days of vacation per year, 12% of employees have 15-24 days off, 5% can take 5-10 days off, and 2% of respondents indicated the shortest vacation – up to 5 days.

The most popular component of the social package, according to the survey, is sick pay: 51% of respondents noted its presence, while 15% of the study participants did not have a social package at all. The rest of the respondents noted that their social package consists of: health insurance - 14%, payment for additional education - 5%, English language courses - 3%, payment/compensation for sports - 3%.

The majority of employees participating in the survey have higher education: 66% graduated from institutes, academies, universities, while 25% have vocational education, and 9% have secondary education. There is also a relationship between education and salary, for example, sales consultants with higher education receive higher salaries than those who do not have it.

The survey involved 600 employers and 20,000 employees working in the most common positions, Work.ua specified.