Ministry of Digital Transformation launches push-notifications to check credit history in Diia

To combat fraud, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has launched push notifications about loans or checking credit history in the state-run Diia application, Deputy Prime Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov has said.
"Checking your credit history is a mandatory step when applying for a loan. Now, when a bank checks your credit history or opens a new account, you will immediately see a push notification in the Diia application. This already works by default in your application, update of Diia is not needed," the minister of digital transformation wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.
He said that most cases of credit fraud occur precisely with paper passports, which are easy to copy and hand to someone. And this is one of the main reasons why there are a lot of cases with credit schemes in the Cyber Police now.
"Diia is not connected to organizations that issue microloans. And to issue a bank loan through an e-passport, you need your digital signature. We want to protect people, save your money and nerves," Fedorov said.
The credit check push notification function works like this: when someone checks their credit history or gets a new credit for Diia's data, the app sends a notification.
To find out the details and submit a complaint from the application, one can immediately follow the corresponding link.