Ukraine to offer two or three issues of currency-pegged govt bonds every week in Q2 2019

The Finance Ministry of Ukraine in the second quarter of 2019 each week, along with five or seven issues of hryvnia-pegged government domestic loan bonds, plans to offer from two to four issues of U.S. dollar-pegged bonds and once a month bonds pegged to the euro at primary auctions.
According to the government bonds placement schedule posted on the website of the Finance Ministry on Tuesday, three-month, 12-month and 24-month bonds will be offered twice in April, and nine-month and 18-month bonds three times.
In May and June, three-month U.S. dollar bonds will be offered only once a month, and nine-month bonds twice. According to the schedule, in these months there will be the only one auction for the placement of six-month securities, three auctions to place 18-month bonds (two of which in May), four for 24-month bonds (of which only one in May) and five – 12-month bonds (two of which in May).
As for securities pegged to euros, on April 9, the Finance Ministry plans the sale of nine-month bonds, on May 21 – six-month bonds, and on June 4 – 12-month bonds.
Short hryvnia bonds maturing in three, six, nine and 12 months will be offered every Tuesday. In addition, the Finance Ministry will alternate the offer of 18-month and 24-month bonds, and once in April and twice in May and June will offer 36-month bonds.
The longest, 60-month hryvnia bonds, will be issued every last Tuesday of the month, according to the published schedule.