Kyiv City Council terminates leasing contract with developer of scandal-ridden project in Osokorky area in Kyiv

The Kyiv City Council has made a decision to terminate a leasing contract with Kontaktbudservis LLC, the company developing the Patriotika Na Ozerakh residential complex in the green zone in Osokorky area of Darnytsky district in Kyiv.
The decision was made at a meeting of the city council on Thursday, January 31. A total of 77 deputies backed the decision.
"The amount of debt [of the developer] has not decreased, but rather increased. As of December 31, 2018, the amount of debt amounted to UAH 73.6 million. Kontaktbudservis LLC refuses to pay the debt for leasing land. Unfortunately, the position has not changed in these contractual relations," Director of the land resources department Petro Olenych said at the meeting.
Deputy of the Kyiv City Council from the Kyiv Team, Serhiy Husovsky, added that when considering the construction project at the meeting of the town planning council, numerous violations were revealed, in particular, in fire safety.
"Even if the will of the Kyiv City Council is canceled over some strange lawsuit... we will instantly register a new draft decision on the termination of these lease agreements, and we will not allow this shameful development," the deputy said.