09:53 12.09.2018

Health ministry to launch outpatient medical care financing reform

2 min read
Health ministry to launch outpatient medical care financing reform

The Health Ministry in 2019 will launch the reform of financing outpatient medical care, Deputy Health Minister Pavlo Kovtonyuk has said.

"We planned two lines of work for the next year: first, this will be the launch a new model of financial relations with outpatient specialists, that is, with specialists who work not in a hospital: these are tests, instrumental examinations - ultrasound, x-rays - and consultations of specialists. Thus, outpatient medical care will start reforming from the second quarter of next year," he said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

Kovtonyuk said that the beginning of the reform of outpatient medical care is coordinated with the development of IT.

"At the outpatient level, it will be somewhat more complicated, but the model, agreements with the National Health Service, payment for services will be the same as at the primary level," he said.

According to the deputy minister, at the outpatient level, the principle of paying for a service "will apply in the classic definition of the word: for a test, a manipulation, a consultation, as it is customary to see in a private clinic."

"The same way as at the primary level, the doors will be opened for all providers - public and private. The referral that the family doctor will give will allow receiving the service free of charge, except for the list of services that will always be paid," he said.