13:43 09.02.2018

Eight intl companies show interest to management of Ukrainian GTS

1 min read
Eight intl companies show interest to management of Ukrainian GTS

Eight international companies have shown their interest to the management of the Ukrainian gas transport system (GTS), advisor to the Energy and Coal Industry Minister of Ukraine Maskym Beliavsky has said.

"Today, a procedure for receiving and studying proposals from interested companies is underway. As of February 1, proposals were received from the eight global leading companies," he said.

Beliavsky recalled that the deadline for accepting proposals from potential partners in managing the GTS of Ukraine was extended from February 1 to March 1, 2018.

"With a view to more thoroughly studying the expectations and proposals of international partners, as well as the synchronization of this process with the progress of the creation of an independent operator of the gas transportation system, it was decided to extend the deadline for acceptance of the proposals until March 1, 2018," he said.

As reported, along with Snam (Italy)/Eustream (Slovakia) and Gasunie (the Netherlands)/GRTgaz (France), with which the relevant memorandums were signed, a German group is also interested in the management of Ukraine's gas transit system.