18:58 25.01.2018

MHP keeps poultry sales and production in 2017 at 2016 level

1 min read

Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) in 2017 sold 532,727 tonnes of poultry to external consumers, which corresponds to the level of 2016.

According to the information of the agricultural holding on the website of the London Stock Exchange, in the fourth quarter of 2017 it sold 113,746 tonnes of chicken, which is 13% less than in the same period in 2016, mainly due to the significant reduction in chicken stocks and an increase in exports in the first half of 2017.

Poultry production in October-December 2017 decreased by 1%, to 141,544 tonnes, and in general over the year remained at the level of 2016 and amounted to 566,242 tonnes.

The company's chicken production capacity during the reporting period was 100% used.

MHP's domestic sales in the fourth quarter and in the whole year decreased by approximately 18% and 9% respectively compared to the same periods in 2016.

Poultry exports in October-December 2017 fell by 5%, to 45,042 tonnes. For the 12 months, chicken exports rose by 16% compared to 2016 and amounted to 220,983 tonnes, following the strategy of reducing chicken stocks and due to significant export volumes for the first half of 2017.