14:41 20.12.2017

SPF to prepare United Mining-Chemical Company, Electrotyazhmash, President Hotel, Artyomsol, Ukrspyrt, colamines, seaports for sale in 2018

1 min read
SPF to prepare United Mining-Chemical Company, Electrotyazhmash, President Hotel, Artyomsol, Ukrspyrt, colamines, seaports for sale in 2018

The State Property Fund of Ukraine has included private joint-stock company President Hotel, public joint-stock company United Mining-Chemical Company, state-owned enterprises (SOE) Electronmash, Electrotyazhmash, Dniprovsky Electric Locomotive Plant, Radiorele plant and Vinnytsia-based Crystal plant to the list of large privatization facilities to be sold in 2018.

According to a decree of the fund dated December 13 and published in the Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii newspaper on Wednesday, these facilities and SOE Black Sea Navigation, Severodonetsk combined heat and power plant (CHPP), UstDunaivodshliakh will be prepared for privatization by the central office of the fund.

Regional departments of the funds will prepare Agrarian Fund, SOE for processing scram metal and metal waste Dnipro-VDM, coal company Krasnolymanska, Lysychanskvuhillia and 16 more coalmines and smaller facilities for sale.

SPF Head Vitaliy Trubraov said on his Facebook page that around 200 facilities from various sectors were placed to the list, while more than a half of them are not eligible for privatization in the Ukrainian legislation.

This concerns Artyomsol, Ukrspyrt, Ukrbud, Lviv Jewelry Plant, Metal Powder Plant, Ukrainian Danube Navigation and 13 ports, including the largest ports Yuzhny, Odesa, Chornomorsk and Mariupol.