Local budgets receive about UAH 103 bln in seven months of 2017

The total fund of local budgets in the period from January to July 2017 inclusive received UAH 102.8 billion, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Services Hennadiy Zubko has stated.
"Financial decentralization is not slowing down. Local budgets in January-July grew by UAH 24.9 billion compared to the same period last year. In January-July the total funds of local budgets received UAH 102.8 billion," he wrote on his Facebook page.
In addition, according to Zubko, for the seven months of this year the budgets of 366 united territorial communities reached UAH 4.7 billion. The increase in revenues to the general fund of united territorial communities compared to January-July last year amounted to 39.8%, or UAH 1.3 billion.