10:39 03.05.2017

Booking.com corrects mistake about Crimea territorial status

2 min read
Booking.com corrects mistake about Crimea territorial status

The largest online hotel and apartment booking service Booking.com has corrected information about the territorial status of Crimea, the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) of Crimea (based in Kyiv) has reported.

"Booking.com company informed PGO of Crimea that the company corrected the relevant information. Now Booking.com website says that property in Crimea is located on the territory of Ukraine," the press service of PGO of Crimea reported on Monday.

Booking.com also took into consideration other remarks of the PGO. The company said that it has taken additional measures to observe the EU sanctions to prevent the use of its website for trips to Crimea as tourists.

Prosecutor General's Office of Crimea launched a criminal case against under a complaint by MP from People's Front Heorhiy Lohvynsky in December 2016. The case was opened in violation of Article 332-1 and Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine against officials of Booking.com International B.V. (Booking.com) who helped to use unlawfully purchased property and provided for violation of the travelling rules for the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea.

During the pretrial investigation the Prosecutor General's Office revealed incorrect information on the Booking.com website about the territorial status of Crimea. It was mentioned as not part of Ukraine.

The investigation is underway.