Poroshenko signs laws on ratification of treaties with Malaysia on offenders' extradition and legal assistance in criminal cases

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed laws approved by the Verkhovna Rada "On ratification of the agreement between Ukraine and the government of Malaysia on the extradition of offenders" and "On ratification of the agreement between Ukraine and the government of Malaysia on mutual legal assistance in criminal cases."
According to the first law, Ukraine and Malaysia pledged to extradite each other persons, to a request in accordance with their own domestic laws, who are wanted by the other party, for the purpose of prosecution or conviction or execution of a sentence, the official website of the president says.
The second law provides for the provision of assistance in the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases.
As it was reported, both agreements were signed on August 4, 2016 in Putrajaya (Malaysia).