14:38 11.11.2016

Government postpones creation of Underground Storage Facilities of Ukraine company for Aug 2017

1 min read
Government postpones creation of Underground Storage Facilities of Ukraine company for Aug 2017

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has postponed the deadline for the submission of a draft decision to create public joint-stock company Underground Storage Facilities of Ukraine from March 1 to August 1, 2017.

The amendments to the plan to restructure national joint-stock company Naftogaz Ukrainy are approved by cabinet resolution No. 800 dated November 9, 2016.

The introduction of structure and corporate management of the company was postponed for August 1, 2017.

The government also post factum postponed the terms for the creation of Trunk Gas Pipelines of Ukraine and the introduction of its structure and corporate management from October 1, 2016 to April 1, 2016.

The government decided not to create a supervisory board with two independent directors in public joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz, while earlier it was recommended to form the board before October 1, 2016.