Solvent bank debt on refinancing loans 13% down in Q3, 2016 – NBU regulator

Solvent banks in the third quarter of 2016 reduced the debt to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) on refinancing loans by UAH 4.2 billion, or 13%, to UAH 28.1 billion, according to the regulator's website.
According to the NBU, the principal amount of the loan as of October 1 amounted to UAH 27.8 billion.
As reported, the NBU in 2016 issued all loans solely at a tender basis under the collateral of government domestic loan bonds and foreign currency.
The National Bank since mid-2015 has been using only monetary instruments to support bank liquidity, whose maturities do not exceed three months.
Banks receive refinancing loans after tenders to support the liquidity of banks. At the same time, all the banks that appeal for financing and provide highly liquid deposits (government domestic loan bonds, certificates, foreign currency) receive loans automatically.