18:23 30.05.2016

VAT debt to UIA reaches UAH 105 mln

1 min read
VAT debt to UIA reaches UAH 105 mln

The state's debt on VAT refunds to Ukraine International Airlines (UIA, Kyiv) at present amounts to about UAH 105 million, president of the company Yuriy Miroshnikov has stated.

He said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine currently VAT is refunded, while old debts are about UAH 65 million, but it is unclear how the issue of its refunds will be settled.

"We would be ready to buy bonds if someone sells them," he added.

As reported, as of December 2015 VAT arrears to UIA stood at UAH 138 million.

"VAT debts to UIA are growing. It's painful for the airline, especially in winter when we go around the world with an outstretched hand. Whatever good may appear the results of our operations, the seasonality of the business is such that even the most successful airlines in winter live on credit from suppliers, banks," Miroshnikov added.