Ukrlandfarming agrees with U.S. export-import agency to restructure loan

The largest agroholding in Eurasia in terms of land bank, Ukrlandfarming, has agreed to restructure debt on the loan worth almost $60 million for the period of eight years with U.S. export-import agency, the company has reported, referring to Board Chairman and key shareholder (95% of shares) Oleh Bakhmatiuk.
"Ukrlandfarming continues its transparency policy in relations with creditors and investors. Our financial readjustment and stable growth restoration plans are usually conservative and take into account not only current, but potential risks for business development. This allows us to successfully finish talks on restructuring of debts and retain production facilities, jobs and recovery potential," Bakhmatiuk said.
"An agreement on $90 million loan restructuring with Canada's export-import agency is waiting for approval. All procedures have been agreed. Negotiations with European export-import agencies are at the final stage. By the end of June the total restructured debt would reach $1.3 billion," the businessman said.
The company earlier agreed to reschedule debt on the syndicated loan of over $200 million from Deutsche Bank and Sberbank of Russia. The holding obtained consent of almost 100% of investors in its $500 million eurbonds to postpone the payment of the coupon.