Oschadbank seeks to issue UAH 30 mln of energy efficiency credits to homeowner associations in 2016

State-run Oschadbank (Kyiv) in 2016 seeks to issue UAH 30 million of credits to homeowner associations and housing and construction cooperatives under the state-funded program to compensate the cost of credits taken for modernization of heating efficiency and the increase of energy efficiency in the Ukrainian housing sector.
"2015 was the experimental year for the introduction of an absolutely new product for homeowner associations. We've taken into account wishes of clients and made credits more affordable. We have eased the requirements to borrowers. The credit rates have been decreased. We started crediting from June and had issued 112 credits to homeowner associations. We will work more effectively in 2016," the bank's press service reported, citing Board Chairman Andriy Stetsevych.
The press service said that thanks to Oschadbank's credits energy efficiency measures were taken in 8,200 apartments in 2015. The bank issued the largest number of credits in Donetsk, Sumy and Kharkiv regions.