11:54 25.05.2015

Cabinet permits economy ministry to start pilot electronic procurement project

2 min read
Cabinet permits economy ministry to start pilot electronic procurement project

The Cabinet of Ministers in resolution No. 501-r of May 20 supported the proposal of the Economic Development and Trade Ministry on a pilot electronic goods procurement project, reads the resolution which was published last week.

The Economic Development and Trade Ministry drew up the draft law.

The cabinet established that during the realization of the pilot project – six months – its participants will hold electronic procurement using the automated information system that ensures transparent procurement which includes a central database, the single auction module and several electronic sites that interact with the central database via the open software interface.

The cabinet permitted holding electronic reverse auctions to define the better price.

The annual state procurement volume is valued at UAH 250 billion. A total of 25 tender committees are working, over 1.5 million agreements are signed and the tender documents of each procurement step contain hundreds of pages of documents.

The ministry said that after paper processing, the selection of the winner of the tender is non-transparent, documents can be replaced, and it is hard to control the honesty of the tender. Losses from corruption and non-transparency in state procurement amount to around UAH 50 billion a year.

The ProZorro electronic state procurement system has been launched in test mode. State procurement reform stipulates that by September 1, 2015 all central executive power agencies are to be connected to the ProZorro system.

By January 1, 2016 the Economic Development and Trade Ministry is to draw up a common system of electronic state procurement. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the Economic Development and Trade Ministry are to draw up the electronic claim submission system.

In 2016, local authorities, municipal and state enterprises and some monopolists are will be switched to electronic procurement; public access will be granted to the electronic state procurement monitoring system, and training systems will be launched for specialists.