Ukreximbank loss totals UAH 4.534 bln in Q1, 2015

The loss of state-run Ukreximbank (Kyiv) totaled UAH 4.534 billion in January-March 2015, while year-over-year its profit amounted to UAH 63.775 million, the bank said in its quarterly report.
The bank said that its net interest-bearing income grew by 56.2% in Q1 2015 year-over-year, to UAH 1.512 billion.
Total assets rose by 25.3% in January-March 2015, to UAH 158.121 billion.
Credits and client debts grew by 25.1%, to UAH 65.176 billion.
Reserves for overdue credits reached 55.8% of total credits and client debts as of early April, while as of early 2015 they stood at 47.1%.
The bank's charter capital rose by 30%, to UAH 21.689 billion, while net worth fell by 33.6%, to UAH 9.192 billion.
Ukreximbank was founded in 1992. Its sole owner is the state.
Ukreximbank ranked third among 158 operating banks as of January 1, 2015, in terms of total assets worth UAH 126 billion, according to the National Bank of Ukraine.