13:11 27.04.2015

Building of confinement over Chornobyl NPP to be finished on schedule

2 min read
Building of confinement over Chornobyl NPP to be finished on schedule

Deputy Head of the project to construct a new safe confinement (NSC Shelter) at Chornobyl NPP, Viktor Zalizetsky, has said that the construction of the NSC is to be completed as scheduled.

"Today, there are no any open issues that are in the stage of discussion and agreeing, as all the projects passed the regulating agencies, and it takes certain time. All technical parts have been settled today, financing has been settled, and the permanent routine and intense work is being done. There is a guarantee, that we will finish the project on November 30, 2017," he said at the NSC construction site on Sunday.

He said that the shelter is due to be completed by November 30, 2017, the eastern and western ends are to be sealed and all technological system are to be launched and tested by then.

He said that the assembly of metal constructions began in March 2012, adding that by the end of 2015 the main metal assembly work will be finished.

Zalizetsky said that the project has been financed without delays, and that the fund from which the work is financed has not been completely replenished.

"Now the work of the bank is the following: they with the help of donors, with the help of all countries that participate in the financing of the project, would replenish the fund to complete the project," he said.

He went on to say that the total cost of the project is EUR 1.425 billion, and around EUR 500 million is to be added to finish the project.