Council of business ombudsman to be created in Ukraine, says resolution

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to create the council of business ombudsman as its permanent consultative and advisory agency and resolution No. 691 of November 26, 2014 was posted on the government's website on Wednesday.
According to the document, the key goal of the council is consideration of claims of business against actions of officials, drawing up of recommendations to authorities in the entrepreneurship area and the formulation of a memorandum of proposals to the draft law on the creation of the business ombudsman institution.
According to the document, the council includes business ombudsman, two deputy business ombudsmen and employees of the secretariat. Nonresident could be business ombudsman.
The supervisory board, consisting of authorized persons of three parties – the cabinet, international financial organizations (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and business associations (the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, European Business Association, Federation of Employer of Ukraine, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), is the administration of the council. Each of the parties has one vote.